The world around is filled with dangerous creatures that can pose a threat to human health and life. Contact with some representatives of the “smaller brothers” can turn out disastrously, and even become the last in life.
A meeting with the animals listed in the article can have various sad consequences - from psychological shock to severe injuries. The best that a modern person can do is to avoid close proximity with these creatures.
Fifth Position - Wolf
A predator known to everyone is found on the territory of the Russian Federation and in other countries of the world. The body length of an adult wolf is about 160 cm, body weight can reach 40-100 kg. The wolf is considered a smart and hardy beast, rarely attacking people alone. Do not be afraid of well-fed predators - these individuals often themselves try to quickly escape from prying eyes. The exception is rabid animals that can show unreasonable aggression towards everyone around them.
The greatest danger is represented by a hungry wolf pack, often numbering up to 30-40 individuals. The risk of being attacked by wolves increases while you are in the territory "assigned" to predators. Most often, cases of attacks on people are recorded in the winter season, and are associated with a lack of natural wolf food (moose, deer). In the warm season, wolves can attack a person in the absence of food for feeding offspring, or in order to protect their cubs.
Fourth place - bull shark
Bull shark, also called blunt shark, is the most aggressive species of predatory fish. These creatures, endowed with powerful jaws, live in the ocean waters of the tropics and subtropics, but they are able to enter fresh rivers, lakes, and in shallow water. Due to this feature, they are called migrant hunters. The size of the blunt-nosed shark is impressive - some individuals reach up to 4.5 m in length, and weigh more than 400 kg. A characteristic feature of a bull shark is tendency to attack a person for no reason. Also, these eternally hungry fish can attack livestock coming to a watering place.
Most often, sharks hunt alone. Waiting for the next victim, they skillfully hide in troubled waters. It is interesting to know that cannibalism is no stranger to these terrifying creatures - in the absence of other food, blunt sharks are not averse to treating each other.
Third place - Egyptian cobra
The main habitat of the Egyptian cobra is the dense forests of Africa. This cold-blooded beauty can be found in the north and south of the Sahara, in Kenya, Tanzania, western and northern shrouds. The Egyptian cobra is considered the most poisonous snake on the entire African continent. The maximum body length of the aspid reaches 3 meters. The colors of cobras are diverse, however, individuals are most often found in brown shades, with widespread spotting on the skin.
Egyptian cobra venom contains neurotoxins and cytotoxins. Her poison is considered strong enough, capable of killing a victim within 2 hours. Cobras are not known to be the first to attack. Bites often occur due to the fault of the person himselfworried reptile.
Second place - geographical cone
A dangerous meeting with a cone can occur on the shallows of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, in the basins of the Red and Caribbean Seas. These mollusks, abundantly living in warm waters, are represented by several hundred species, have shells with a variety of attractive colors. Despite their appearance, the cones are predators. They feed on small or medium-sized fish, and are among the most dangerous ocean inhabitants.
The geographic cone is considered the most poisonous. The venom of this mollusk contains conotoxins, and is characterized by rapid lethal action. For self-defense or attack, the cone shoots with a special harpoon. As a result, the poison instantly enters the bloodstream, and the death of the victim occurs within 2-3 minutes.
Cones venom antidotes not developed. In case of contact with the mollusk, the only way to save life is immediate bloodletting or blood transfusion. Despite the deadly composition, the cone venom is used in pharmacology - it is used to create effective painkillers.
First place - the African elephant and its deceptive peacefulness
The African elephant, which has a reputation as a peace-loving creature, is in reality not always so. These massive animals reach a height of 3 meters, and can weigh at least 6-7 tons. The danger can equally come from both wild and trained elephants.. The probability of getting severe injuries is present when you are close to the animal, especially during the mating season. At this time, males and females become especially aggressive and uncontrollable, able to easily trample a person, inflict heavy damage with tusks, toss up high. This is confirmed by the following figures - at least 500 people die every year as a result of a mammal attack.
Among the victims there are many interesting tourists who came too close to the majestic animals with cameras. Also known cases of elephant attacks in circuses, zoos. Running away from the African giant is quite problematic, because angry elephant is able to move at a speed of about 40 km per hour.
The most dangerous animals can be found in different parts of the world - both in exotic countries and not far from their place of residence. Going on a trip or planning a vacation in the lap of nature, you should never forget about the possibility of being attacked. For your own safety and maintaining the health of your companions, you should be careful and in every possible way avoid contact with aggressive representatives of the animal world.